Wednesday 19 September 2012

The I-Threes

The I-Threes were the most influential female singing group in the history of Jamaican music. A trio, featuring Marcia Griffiths, Rita Marley and Judy Mowatt, the I-Threes provided the rich harmonies for Bob Marley's performances and recordings from 1974 until his death ten years later. Marcia Griffith was already a star when the I-Threes came together. Her duet recordings with Bob Andy, which included "Young, Gifted And Beautiful," had brought her international attention. When she invited Mowatt, who had previously sung with The Gaylettes, and Marley to harmonize with her on a recording with Andy, she set the stage for the trio's formation. The recording session proved so inspiring that she invited the two women to be guests on song that she and Andy were scheduled to perform that evening at the House Of Chen in New Kingston. Shortly after the departure of Peter Tosh and Bunny Livingston from The Wailers, Bob Marley asked the three women to sing on his recording, Jah Live. They continued to work together for the next ten years. In early 1975, The I-Threes joined Marley for a tour as opening act for The Jackson Five. Although they continued to perform together following Marley's death, the three women soon elected to pursue solo careers.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Legendary Ethiopia 3/3

Ethiopia also believed that the Apostle Philip, years after the death of Jesus, received a divine call and walked south toward Jerusalem, meeting with an Ethiopian eunuch, treasurer and minister of Cadence queen of Ethiopia, who arrived in Jerusalem in order to Biblical scripture study. The eunuch was reading an excerpt from the text of Isaiah of the Old Testament (who spoke of the coming of the Messiah) and not understand a passage from the Bible. Philip then told him the life of Jesus, saying that it was the confirmation of the prophetic words of Isaiah. As they walked a long way came across a river, where the Ethiopian asked to be baptized, then Philip realized his request and so the eunuch, hitherto Jew, took his new Christian faith to Ethiopia becoming Queen Candace. With the emergence of the Orthodox Church in Ethiopia, the kings began to respond by the State, the military, and also church leaders. By disagreeing with certain Catholic dogmas, the Ethiopian Emperor began to replace the figure of the pope, receiving titles paramount. Throughout history, the emperors of Ethiopia are named as Yeshua (Jesus) I, II, III and IV, as well as Newaya Kristos, Yohannes (John) I, II, III and IV, among others. Moreover, the Ethiopian throne holder was presented with the scarlet robe embroidered with gold, the scepter, two spears of gold and diamond ring with the figure of the Lion of Judah (who claimed to be the legitimate ring given to his son Solomon Ethiopian Menelik I), a ritual full of symbolism and administered by the archbishop of the Orthodox Church. When in 1930, Ras Tafari was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia, came to be called by the name of Haile Selassie I, which in Aramaic means Power of the Trinity. For the Jamaicans, the coronation of Selassie I, his ancestry and his biblical divine titles (King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah), claimed Marcus Garvey's prophecy about the coming of a black king and as followers of Christ were called Christians, since the followers of Ras Tafari were identified as Rastafarians. Ras Tafari was 225 º descendant of his dynasty and Jamaica become popular by various preachers affirm faith in his divinity. So, they settled in various aspects Jamaican mountains, making the Rastafari movement an eclectic group, with varying rituals and rules, and therefore one of the only ones curious phenomena without regard religious leadership. The role of Marcus Garvey and Ras Tafari, as well as other symbols generated a specific kind of versatility to the Rastafarian religion. For many Rastas, Haile Selassie I is the unique and definitive coming of the messiah, savior of mankind and distanced themselves from the symbolism of Jesus for its European image and advertising for others, Ras Tafari is the return of Jesus Christ, while many communities Rastafarian's emerged with different opinions and some of its leaders were also venerated. From then some disintegration began to occur in the movement, although many cultural traits in common can be found to this day.


See the second part.